At the eastern end of the runway the Refuge has laid down a length of black nylon mats, replacing old black mats in the process. Originally, this was to extend the runway, apparently it still is. The plane has never needed that much of the runway. If they truly are at the last 20 meters this black matting represents, they are going to be in the drink.
Over the years, a medium-sized Heliotrope shrub has been in the middle of this black fabric. Birds, particularly frigatebird young have used this plant for nesting and roosting.
As each species' young grew and left the shrub, we removed it bit by bit.
Others were using that old black fabric as well. Albatross. A few had already made a nest and had an egg they were incubating. At this stage, the bird does not move.
Alas, we had to straighten out the last portion of the runway. It had a slight dogleg southward.
What to do? We have to remove vegetation...placing it in the colony in hopes of reseeding. The birds have since taken to it as acceptable perches and cover.
But what about those albatross with nest, incubating an egg? We are going to lay this new nylon matting down over the vegetation.
Here's a picture of the solution.
Not bad.
Just extra work to cut the square out and lay the roll over the bird. There was more to the whole process, but it came out fairly well I think.
Starting to see who runs this place..?
I love the solution. Wish we would consider similar compromises in all of our encounters with nature, it would slow us down and keep us a bit more humble.
bd Slowing down is so key, is it not? One can get so much work done, learn so much, achieve such valuable benchmarks, personal and otherwise, if he or she could just .. slow .. down.
We as individuals are able to become more humble. I've seen it. We have seen it.
Now, can we as a large group become so? In the 10's, 100's? How about thousands?
Nation(s) of millions?
A species of BILLIONS?
The holiday season is upon us.
UP ON those in "civilization."
I think of Simon and Garfunkel's "Silent Night/7o'clock News"
Slow us down. Keep us a bit more humble.
Very good, bd. I think.
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