24 November 2007

How Masked Booby work looks...

...when prepared. We use a large cloth net pole, and gloves. Cloth net on bird, one person quickly to the bird, holds beak closed, directs the bird's head down(to prevent any regurgitation of a valuable and often tough to get meal...larger birds on this isle like Flying Fish by the way), gathers bird and bird's wing's together and there you have it.

The MABO's (Sula dacylatra) are sort of the tanks of the beloved Sulidae family members on this island.

The Red-footed Boobies (S. sula) are a bit slighter, don't possess quite the chompers, and are a perching bird. Otherwise, same techniques just without the net and gloves.

Great birds, the Sulids.....excellent flyers, plunge-divers, love to forage on squid and flying fish.

It is quite a sight to see them in group or lines of fours, fives, sixes coming in for the evening from the open ocean to roost. Wings half-way tucked and arched, they come in high and fast audibly slicing through the headwind...makes me think of the movie Top Gun..well, without the gratuitous sand volleyball scene.

Have a good evening and remember to thermoregulate.


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