Red-Tailed Tropicbird (Phaethon rubricauda)
This amazing bird doesn't have much in the way of useful legs. It kind of mopes along like some zombie that has had its legs shot off in one of those video games that "aren't too voilent" for 3 yr olds.
So it looks extremely silly on land. It's legs are fairly small and don't hold it him up too well. It is a pelagic, and as such it spends most of its life over open ocean. It only comes to land, on islands of the tropical Indian and Pacific oceans, to mate. What must that look like....I let your imaginations wander.
But give a seabird wind and here we go....
One more thing. Ole York snorkeled this afternoon. It was absolutely amazing. An entirely different world that I can't wait to visit again. The fish where so varied and beautiful. Didn't get a reef shark this time, but we will.
Once one learns how to breath only through your mouth, and get a bit of a rhythm going, it is learned fairly quickly. Atleast was for me. Just gotta go and do. No, we weren't meant to breath underwater and the brain knows it. But to view the tropical aqua life and coral reef through that mask, its a bit like taking a video camera and bootlegging a beautiful film you weren't meant to see. It seemed so to me. I had this strange feeling of "where am I?", "Is this okay?" Remarkable.
Also had a Hawaiian Monk Seal swim under me. These guys are critically endangered and hang out around here. I see them on the shore once in awhile. We are told to give them a wide berth when you come across one. Seals needs places to rest and sleep, and human disturbance could cause them to not use that beach. Here's a pic I took at a longer distance.
Hawaiian Monk Seals
Quickly, the cpu's here aren't the fastest and sometimes I am not able to do what I want. Some updates to this blog just dont happen, sometimes they do. A bit of a crap shoot. Also, we are down a cpu now. This is not a huge cpu lab anyhow. I wish I could update, and email people more often. So much to say to some of you.
Anyhow, we have our differences, Aves and Humans, but we live together here. Truly, we do. I am tired. But before I go, I leave you with one of my favorite shots I've taken.
Peace, love, aloha and mahalo,
.......pause for emphasis.......
White Terns (Gygis alba)
Your Sunday entry is inspiring.
Thanks for letting us walk beside you visually and in your descriptions. Wow! Loved the pics. JLY
Wow, Matt! How incredible. I love reading your stories and seeing your pictures. It's exciting to imagine what you are experiencing first hand. I couldn't be happier for you!
oooh, mayo! i think my new desktop background has been found... having just returned from Big Bend, your presence is quite sorely missed - i was with a birder/herper who didn't give a second look to butterflies or odes =( anywhoo, thanks for keeping us posted!
Thats an incredible picture Matt. The experience you are having sounds like it is quite unforgettable. Enjoy God's creation and soak it in!
Your cousins,
Justin and Kristin
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