14 June 2008

Flutterbys along an estuary.

Lorquin's Admiral
(Limenitis lorquini) ©M. W. York

Marine Blue, female
(Leptotes marina) © M. W. York
Mourning Cloak
(Nymphalis antiopa) ©M. W. York

Tijuana River Estuary, south SD County.


Anonymous said...

Breathtakingly beautiful pictures.
thank you,

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your outstanding photos. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Soooooo much better. Thank you.
aunt sue

MWYork said...

Thank you Sue. You guys would have really enjoyed all the Lorquin's Admiral butterflies at that location. Absolutely stunning bugs.

I also saw a Black-throated Magpie-Jay as well. Certainly my first, they are a species found in Mexico.

Apparently the TJ river estuary system has ~ 20 of these birds along this long corridor. If you get a chance, look it up, Google it; a beautiful, loud, with a somewhat boorish way about it.

Thank you all for continuing to tune in. I am acutely aware this site has taken a most different, and slowed form since NW Islands, Hawai'i. That is simply due to my schedule and the internet weaknesses on SCI.

Thank you all.
