12 March 2008


Is no bug at all, I don't think.
Look at the landscape afterwards.

It might be those rocks, I think.

Sure, they play dumb to it when you look at themBut listen to their mocking.

Hear that?

In Green and Purple and Poppy?

There has always been fire.
Humans never invented it.

For whatever reason, we were allowed to discover it.

Modern day has Prescribed Burns.
Prescribed because we suppress fire.
"Put it out!" "Put it out!"

Modern man does not prescribe it near enough.
Modern man does not allow Natural Fire.

Fire promotes Life.
The Trees can breath again
Have elbow room again.
It occurs naturally.

Entire worlds depend on it.
The way it had always been.

Nature taught native.
Modern human learned of it from native human.
Now Modernity suppresses, stops it, snuffs it out.

Can you not hear the mockery of those clever rocks?
In Green and Purple and Poppy?

Full Circle. Sometimes when the baton isn't passed
at that critical point in the team's race
It is taken.

© -mwyork


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures, intriguing thoughts in poetry.
Thanks for sharing from that depth.

heidi said...

burning refreshes the land in so many ways - thank you for the "after" pictures, the ones they forget to show on the news.