Welcome to my weblog. The title of this blog, "Where the Sidewalk Ends", is the title of a particular volume of poems and drawings by Shel Silverstein. It not only was one of my favorite books as a kid, but the title nicely reflects my work, my life, my interests and advocations, and where I generally feel comfortable and at peace. We cannot clear and pave everything, though we seem to be giving a valiant effort to do so, as a species.
"Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell."-- E. Abbey
Sit still. In silence, with me, observe and listen to the world around you. Listen to that hum. Feel that vibration. Hear the song.
The purpose of this site is to update friends and family of my whereabouts. The opportunity to share photographs and journal-type entries that illustrate my travels.
In truth, it is really just an experiment. I've never done anything like this. I'm curious as to how much time one must put in to it, and if I'll end up having that as well as the energy.
Again, thanks for checking in and continue to seek out the places beyond the concrete, those wonderful worlds within our own...that begin, just past where the sidewalk ends.
1 comment:
I am so glad you have started a blog! I hope you will be able to find time to keep up with it during your next adventure. It could be a great link to you as your are out there with the birds and the water. You are definitely a man full of interesting thoughts and I look forward to reading what you share!
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